Welcome to Karin’s Blog

Divorce, Divorce Stories

This is a collection of random thoughts and observations.  Questions are welcome for future posts.  You may want to check out the page “Thoughts about Divorce” for a collection of previous posts that I have written over the years.  Many of these started out as newspaper columns.  I hope you find them educational.


In my 21+ years of family law, I have many stories.  I may share some of those here, but always preserving my client’s anonymity.   Each of us is different and yet there are so many commonalities.  I share other peoples stories so you can see that you are not alone, or learn how other people handle certain issues.

How did I get into this business?  That is an often asked question.  When I completed law school and became licensed to practice law I only knew that I wanted to have my own practice — “hang my own shingle” as they used to say. I tried several different areas — employment, personal injury, will and trusts and even did some eviction work just to pay the rent.  Everywhere I went socially people would tell me their personal stories and ask me to help.  I helped a young mother get a better parenting arrangement with her young daughter.  I helped several people with a divorce and realized that was what I was meant to do.  I decided if family law was what I was going to be practicing I better learn more.  I went to countless training, I apprenticed with one of the top attorneys in the county and I also took classes in mediation, conflict management, and even trial practice.

Over the years I have also taken extensive training in divorce mediation and collaborative law.  When I relocated to Washington State in 2003 I took a fresh look at my practice and decided there must be a better way.  That’s when Divorce for Grownups began.  I find that most people would prefer to resolve their marital dissolution in a grown-up way.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t the emotion, even anger, and resentment but it can be harnessed so that both parties can move forward with their new lives.  Clients also appreciate the privacy I offer them.  They avoid court and public airing of their grievances.  Life is better for me, my staff and all concerned since I developed Divorce for Grownups.

I welcome your questions for future postings.  I am always open to ideas.

The Quirk Law Group Focuses on Legal Matters Surrounding Divorce & Family Law in Washington State.

Articles below are not intended as legal advice. Family law cases can are complex, and you should consult with an attorney.

Karin Quirk A Peaceful Divorce

The Book